Residential houses

A simple way to build high-quality residential houses

Residential houses – detached, semi-detached, terraced

The housing market is developing dynamically, but with the demand, prices tend to rise. The market is also struggling with the shortage of qualified staff, while investors must also be made wary of the potential losses of building materials at the construction site. All this is driving the demand for affordable residential solutions. Customers who decide to take advantage of modular solutions completed as part of a pre-planned production cycle in a covered production facility can avoid many of the current project completion problems.

A ready house can be built on a designated plot in just over a dozen days. The houses produced by Diamond Module® are ready to be lived in: they have fully equipped kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms.

All lighting fixtures and other necessary equipment are included in the price in advance. This is how we are redefining the meaning of a turnkey solution.

Learn more about our solutions, write or call us!


Council housing is a solution offered to the those in need by local governments. Usually there are more people in need of these spaces than there are available premises.

Municipalities and social institutions can take advantage of the modular solutions offered by Diamond Module®
that are less expensive by up to 30%, and which can be commissioned in half the time.

Learn more about our solutions, write or call us!